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Top 10 Industries Bad Credit Business Loans Can Help

Top 10 Industries Bad Credit Business Loans Can Help

Bad credit business loans help many small businesses get the financing needed for success. What is a poor credit score? Generally, a credit rating under 600 makes it difficult to find an approval for traditional loans. You can still get business funding with bad credit. Contrary to what you may think, you don’t have to accept absurd interest rates to […]

How to Finance Your Dream Restaurant

How to Finance Your Dream Restaurant

You never thought you’d Google those words in earnest. But after everyone raved about your coq au vin last weekend you know you have to. “If not now, when?” you think. Looking at all the results you realize you don’t know how to finance your restaurant. If you’ve been wanting to finance your dream restaurant, read on. […]

How to Finance Your Bakery Equipment

How to Finance Your Bakery Equipment

Restaurant equipment financing is exciting. You have your bakery location all picked out and it’s time to set it up. But as you daydream about all the amazing bread and cakes you’ll make you realize, “I don’t know anything about financing bakery equipment.” If you want to learn how to equip your bakery, read on. Do […]

Veterinary Business Loan

Veterinary Business Loan

Are you looking for alternative ways to finance your practice? Beginning a career as an animal doctor is exciting, no doubt, but securing a veterinary business equipment loan can be more nerve bending than delivering a preemie colt!  In a world where just the schooling for becoming a vet can cost over $200,000, the expense […]

Is There An Alternative For Small Businesses Financing

Alternative for small business financing

Banks aren’t the only ones lending out money to small businesses If you already contacted your business banker, you might already be aware of the bank requirements if you want a working capital loan from them. Traditionally banks are looking for businesses that have a history of good credit from the business owners. If the […]

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