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Business Loans With Previous Bankruptcy

Business loans with a previous bankruptcy

How to Get the Financing You Need Are you trying to get business loans with a previous bankruptcy on your history? Sometimes it just makes sense to file for bankruptcy, especially in certain economic times, and it is not always a sign of failure. A personal bankruptcy, however, can continue to show up on your credit report […]

Small Business Loans

Small Business Loans

Is your business contributing to America’s growth? Al Gore once said that small business is the engine that drives the economic growth of America. Defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA) as any business with less than 500 employees, small businesses still make up a large majority of the economy. Most big companies started small, […]

How To Manage Small Business Debt

How To Manage Small Business Debt

Is debt bad for your small business? As long as I can remember, I was always taught ever since I could remember that having debt was bad. My dad would always tell me how it’s important to stay away from debt, and to always to try and pay cash when I can. Now that was […]

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